If Your Retail Sign Doesn't Achieve One of These Goals, It's Not Reaching Its Potential
July 30, 2018, 2:25 am
According to a 2011 report, 86% of consumers will pay more for a better experience. And what many retailers may not fully realize is that your store's signage plays a vital role in its overall communication and marketing plan. In fact, According to a 2014 Mass Merchant Study, 16% of unplanned purchases were due to a display noticed while shopping. That being said, effective signage typically accomplishes at least one of a few common goals. Here are just a few underlying goals to keep in mind as you plan and design your store's signage.
Direct consumers where to go
As one common goal, giving consumers a sense of direction is integral to the overall customer experience. No shopper likes to roam around for ages wondering where to find the one item they came there for. Sure, they could ask an employee, but what if there aren't any around? Make it as easy as possible for customers to find exactly what they need in the smallest amount of time by prioritizing the 'where' element of your retail signs. Make sure they're easily visible and placed in close proximity to the item(s) they're referencing.
Contain concisely communication information
Regardless of the message your sign is communicating, it's essential for it to be done so effectively. This means that in addition to using other creative retail display ideas, your sign needs to be simple and straightforward so it doesn't overwhelm the reader. Keep signs limited to as few words as possible -- and as expected, full sentences should usually be avoided. And don't neglect your sign's design -- use a font that's easily read, even from a distance.
Ultimately increase the likelihood that a customer will make a purchase
Several studies, including one from Brigham Young University showed that merchandise with a sign outsold merchandise without a sign by 20%. When all is said and done, each and every sign in your store should, in some way, increase the chance that a customer will make a purchase. Don't hesitate to invest in materials like
holders for price tags, contemporary glass signs and signage, and other marketing supplies.
On average, consumers are exposed to 3,000 ads and promotional messages every day. Knowing how to plan your retail signs effectively is the key to maximizing sales. For more information about contemporary glass signs and signage, contact the Global Display Solution.