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Five Great Ideas for Deli Signage

Five Great Ideas for Deli Signage

September 27, 2018, 2:48 am

deli signage

In the business world, it's a given that consumers are bombarded with stimuli when they go shopping. Say, for instance, a customer walks into a deli. Right away there are dozens of deli meat signs...and more!

The entire experience -- the sights, the sounds, the aromas -- all these factors contribute to a shopping experience that sometimes can be distracting, if not overwhelming, for consumers. How can an individual possibly process all those deli meat signs?

The answer is not that they can’t, but rather, that they don’t. Most things consumers decide to buy are in-store purchase decisions. In fact, almost 82% of purchasing decisions are made while shoppers are in the store.

What does this tell the business operator? Clearly, shoppers are open to being influenced when they are on-site, shopping. The question then becomes how to convince shoppers to purchase certain products, when they are swimming in a sea of advertisements and promos. The answer may be in the subject of signage.

Good signage can make a product stand out from the crowd. Custom retail displays are a great way to attract the attention of consumers. Here are five tips for more creative signage. But please note: these tips don’t apply only to deli signage. They are practical for just about every retail operation.

  • Have Good Pre-Store Signage: Entice customers with what they will find! Even before customers walk in a store, let them see glass door business signs or areas featuring poster display stands with what you’re featuring. Outdoor sign stands are also fantastic.

  • Keep it Clear: Clear window decals with prices and special offers are a great vehicle, especially for deli signage. While customers are looking through the case at your meat and cheese selections, the prices and special offers will be right in front of them.

  • Let Them See the Prices: Prices and price tags on items outside of cases should be easy to read so customers can make their decisions immediately. A great deli signage tool for this purpose is plastic tag protectors, which will keep the meat price tags and product information dry and legible.

  • Organize All Information for Your Customers: Display racks make deli signage easy, clear and neat. They are the perfect way to organize information for your customers and provide answers to many of their questions.

  • Give Customers a Takeaway
    Remember the phrase "out of sight, out of mind?" It’s possible your customers could forget you after they leave the store, or fail to remember which store they visited. One way to prevent this would be to have customers take your business brochure home with them. Acrylic display stands with brochures, or a brochure holder stand would be perfect to provide flyers, coupons and other materials for customers to take home with them. This could help keep your business fresh in their minds.

We all know how important clear and engaging signage is in a commercial retail environment. With some creative thinking, you can turn your deli signage into a major draw for your customers. And remember: this infusion of creative signage is not restricted to deli signage. All retail markets can benefit from out-of-the-box thinking. Just imagine: supermarkets, libraries and hospitals, for example, updating their signage to a more clever, customer-reaching tone.

Wouldn’t this be a sure "sign" of success?