5 Ideal Locations for a Curved Pedestal Sign Holder

5 Ideal Locations for a Curved Pedestal Sign Holder

Published by Global Display Solution on October 12, 2022, 3:28 am

Location, location, location. It matters in real estate, and it definitely matters in an advertisement. For the success of a retail business, you need your customers to always see your signs. They need to know the sales and promotions happening inside the store before entering, during shopping, and as they leave. Here are five ideal locations for a curved pedestal sign holder.

The Entrance

You need a good hook for people walking past your store. Chances are the store signage and window displays already caught their attention. But an additional message could not hurt. For example, grocery stores have a lot going on.

A well-placed, attractive, and intriguing sign at the entrance will help guide your customers. Don’t place it directly in the front because people might stop to read it and create unnecessary traffic by the door. Place it a few feet away toward the path customers tend to take as they enter.

Popular Items

The most popular items in the store receive the most attention. Use this area to tell customers about other items in the store or current deals involving those popular items. Try not to overcrowd them, and keep the message short and sweet.

Not every popular item needs a sign. Choose just one or two so the store does not seem congested and remains organized. Place the sign behind the item or off to the side and never directly in front. It’s important not to prevent the customer from shopping.

Unpopular Items

Unpopular items need love too. If their sales don’t match others in the store, a sign might be the slight upgrade they need. Use the sign to your advantage and add an arrow so customers know what’s happening in that section.

For unpopular items, consider placing them closer to the front and slightly askew. You want the sign to grab customers’ attention first and then encourage them to add the items to their cart or basket. You’ll need a pedestal sign stand from us at Asia Sources Inc. to help get your message across.

Near Freebies

Everyone loves a good freebie or giveaway. When people go shopping and have a chance to get something for free while they’re out, it makes their day. You don’t need to have giveaways or free items every day because that’s not economically savvy.

Share some free samples maybe once a month or once every few months. Use the gifts to your advantage by advertising other things in the store you want customers to consider. Place the signs off to the side so the customer can read them as they enjoy their freebie.

The Register

While you ring up customers, they are focused on the final pricing, but have you ever noticed how their eyes start to wander? They have time to stand and wait while the cashier takes care of them.

Use these free minutes to your advantage and place a couple of curved signs behind or near the register. Tell them about anything they may have missed while shopping, or fill them in on upcoming deals later that month.

It’s all about using the space of the store to your advantage. These five ideal locations for curved pedestal sign holders will help increase some of your profits. For more information, visit our website.